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Celebrating Black Women in History 

   Woman's Worth

Alyce Pipkin-Allen

Terrell Fletcher

Susan Peinado


Get ready to celebrate the incredible legacy of Black women with 1619 National Celebration of Black Women, Inc. (1619NCBW) founded by the Sheryl Mallory-Johnson in San Diego, California, April 2018. This non-profit organization is dedicated to uplifting and educating Black women and girls about their ancestry and their extraordinary sacrifices made throughout American history since the first African captives arrived to Colonial America in the year 1619.


With recognition from the California State Legislature, Women in NAACP (WINN), and the United States House of Representatives, 1619NCBW is on a mission to create an America where every Black woman and girl can proudly say "I AM 1619!" Join the movement today by becoming a Supporter.


"To know our historical worth is of far greater value than to know our history of oppression."  

Founder, Sheryl Mallory-Johnson

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Gone But Not Forgotten Campaign 


Sonya Massey

Sylura Richardson-Barron

Who was Sonya Massey? I have searched Google for Sonya's story twenty pages deep. I know Sonya was a mother and a graduate. I know Sonya was a daughter from the heart-wrenching cries of her parents. I know Sonya was deeply loved by her family, rallying for justice. And I know she was senselessly and violently murdered by Deputy Sean Grayson, whose background I know more of than Sonya Massey’s.


My mind flashes back to Sandra Bland and Breonna Taylor. I can say their names and vividly recall the circumstances surrounding their tragic deaths, but I know very little about the whole lives they led before their murders, offhand.


The blatant disregard for our person, our bodies, our womanhood, and our motherhood was supported by law in the year 1662; the history of violence inflicted on Black women woven into the American flag.  


Too often, the media sensationalizes our tragic endings, dismissing our beginnings and in-betweens. Upon our arrival in colonial America, we were stripped of our identity, culture, names, tribes, and stories. Black enslaved persons were often buried nameless and faceless. Why...?  Because identity defines our personhood and humanness and gives us a sense of belonging, respect, and regard as human beings.


I pray for justice for Sonya Massey, I pray for her family’s healing and our nation's healing, and I pray and hope we remember not just her name and the circumstances surrounding her murder but that we remember her life!

We celebrate your life, Sonya Massey!


Sheryl Mallory-Johnson

We pay homage to Sylura Richardson-Barron, a legendary leader in politics, who hailed from San Diego, California, our founding city.

Born on Christmas Day, the year 1900, in Mansfield Louisiana, Sylura relocated to San Diego in 1924. Sylura's tenacity and dedication to civic service led her to become the first Black woman Delegate to hold court at a political convention for Harry Truman's nomination in 1948.

Sylura broke barriers of racism and sexism while opening doors for Black women so that legends such as Shirley Chisholm, Barbara Jordan, Condoleezza Rice, and our sitting Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, could break the glass ceiling. 




To celebrate the extraordinary contributions women of African descent have made in building this great nation of these United States of America.



Educating and uplifting black women and girls by honoring the historical contributions of their ancestors, and inspiring them to walk in their power. 





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We need help from people like you!

If you or your organization/company can make a monetary or in-kind contribution in celebration of extraordinary women in American history, your contribution will go a long way toward uplifting and educating Black women and girls about their extraordinary ancestry.

  • To donate today using a credit card, click the "Donate" button to access our secure online account.

  • To become a sponsor, click the "Sponsorship Opportunities" button to view our sponsorship levels. 

  • To arrange another method of donating, or to make a non-monetary donation, please email us at

You can also mail donations to P.O. Box 212471, Chula Vista, CA 91921. 

Thank you for your support! No amount gifted is too small or too large and is greatly appreciated. 


We are a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation  (TAX ID: 83-2077029). Your contribution is tax-deductible under IRC section 170.

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